Hotel regulation

Tourism Tax

The tourism tax is not included and is paid in cash separately from the hotel bill. The amount is equal to € 1.00 per day, per person, for a maximum of 7 days Children under 14 are free.


Full Board prices ­ per day per person ­ are applied for stays of at least three days. They include room and board (breakfast, lunch and dinner, exclusive of drinks), service and VAT. Prices are subject to changes according to the category of the hotel and the season.

High and low prices are charged according to the season, the type of room (wideness, fittings and services), its position (facing the see or otherwise), number of persons and length of stay. Reductions and easy terms are provided for families with children - as long as they occupy a room together with two adults ­ for groups and stays of long duration.

Overnight stay prices. Before deciding the overnight stay it is advisable to look up the list of the rooms and its rates displayed, by law, in a visible place ­usually the reception ­ and to confirm the terms required with the management. Prices are usually inclusive of breakfast and are not subjected to seasonal changes.

  • In the case a double room is given to a single person, the price cannot exceed the maximum rate applied for a double room.
  • In the case a guest requests an additional bed in a single or double room, the price cannot exceed a 35 percent increase in the normal charge (according to the decree no. 160 issued by the President of Marches Regional Council on 23rd September 1998, art. 2).

Reservations are valid only if they are made and confirmed in writing. They can be made directly to the managements of the selected hotels or through local travel agencies or the Hotelier Cooperative.

In order to avoid any misunderstanding or objection it is advisable to have clearly defined ­ in writing - the price "all inclusive", stating clearly the period of stay and the services required.


(Collection Of Practices In The Province, published by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of the Province of Pesaro, approved with resolution no. 378 on 19th November 1992).

  1. Booking without deposit

    Booking for lodging implies that the client begins his stay by occupying the room assigned to him within 01:00 a.m. of the day after the one specified in the reservation.
    The booking related to full board implies that the client begins his stay within 24 ours after the day specified in the reservation. After that, he will have to pay for the services reserved but not used.
    If the client do not arrive and did not confirm the reservation, this one will be cancelled and the hotelkeeper will be free of obligations toward the client.

  2. Deposit

    The deposit is a document that confirms the booking and represents an amount equal to that of the booked accommodation for at least 3 days. The deposit acts as a confirmation of the booking for the hotelkeeper, but it penalizes the client if a cancellation is made less than 30 days before the beginning of the reservation, in which case the deposit will be forfeited.

  3. Cancellation

    The client who cancels a reservation or leaves the hotel before the time agreed is obliged to compensate the hotelkeeper the losses sustained, paying him, in absence of a deposit or other agreement, the price of the accommodation agreed upon for three days.

  4. Non-fulfilment of the hotelkeeper

    If the client arrives within the above-mentioned time and finds the room he booked not available, the hotel keeper is obliged to find him accommodation in a hotel of the same class or ­ if it is not possible ­ in a hotel of higher class. Any difference upwards in price will be compensated by the hotelkeeper.
    Client has the right to leave the hotel and be compensated by the hotelkeeper if, on his arrival, he finds that the location, the facilities or the features of the hotel do not appreciably correspond to those promised or illustrated by means of pictures or writings.
    Whereas no deposit has been given, the compensation consists in a sum not higher than 10 percent of the total full board cost for the entire period booked and for the number of members in the family.

  5. Half board

    "Half board" implies the sum of the services for a room, breakfast and one of the two main meals (lunch or dinner). Half board price - which does not include drinks ­ is 5 € less than full board price.

  6. Wording "sea view", "sea front", "directly on the beach" and "directly on the sea"

    The wording "sea view" is used when the room has windows or balconies from which one can see the sea. The wording "sea front" means, instead, that a room looks directly on the sea. Finally, the wording "directly on the beach" or "directly on the sea" indicates that the hotel is contiguous with the beach without having to cross any public crossing.
    The wording "room with private facilities" implies that a room is provided, at least, with a shower or bath, W.C. and washbasin. The wording "garden" implies that a hotel provides for his guests a greenery outside area with facilities suitable for relaxation and recreation for at least 50 percent of the total client capacity. The wording "private car park" indicates parking facilities in an area within the hotel for at least a third of the rooms available. The wording "telephone" can only be used if external calls can be made ­ directly or not ­ from at least a third of the rooms.

  7. Full board

    "Full board" implies the sum of the services for a room, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Full board price do not includes drinks.
    When making a reservation in an hotel, unless otherwise is agreed, the client is obliged to book for at least three days. For periods of stay of less than three days separate prices are applied for the room and for any other service.
    The meals the client has the right to have on the arrival day but not consumed can be served the day of departure without any price increase or, on his request, he can have a packed meal. The client will not receive any price reduction for meals which, whatever the reason may be, are not consumed during the days he has booked for. The meals must be consumed, as a rule, in the rooms provided for that purpose in the hotel during the hours fixed by the hotelkeeper. The hotelkeeper has the right to ask for an extra charge for any meal consumed during other hours or in different rooms. The day of booking begins at 12 a.m. The room must be free at 10 a.m. of the last day of stay.
    Lodging contracts are intended settled for one day if otherwise is not agreed.

  8. Other regulation regarding lodging

    The day of booking begins at 12 a.m. The room must be free by 10 a.m. of the last day of stay. Lodging contracts, if otherwise is not agreed, are intended settled for one day. The contract is tacitly renewed in case the room is not vacated by 12 a.m.

  9. Animals

    The hotelkeeper can refuse animals, even pets. If they are accepted they cannot be admitted in the common rooms.

Hotel and camping keepers liability

The hotelkeeper liability for theft or damages to personal property of the clients is provided for by a number of law provisions (Italian Civil Code, arts. 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786). Such liability is unlimited if the hotelkeeper has accepted money or object of value for safe keeping or if he has refused, without valid reason, to use suitable means to safeguard them, provided that the loss is due to his or staff's negligence.
In all other cases, for properties brought into the hotel but not entrusted to the hotelkeeper, the liability is limited to the value of the stolen, destroyed or damaged property to at most one hundred times the hotel room daily charge (law 15th February 1997 no. 35). The liability of the hotelkeeper ceases entirely when it can be proved that the loss is due to negligence of the guest, or those who accompany him, visit him or are in his service. The liability also ceases if the loss is caused by force majeure or is due to the nature of the articles themselves.
The client must inform the hotelkeeper of the loss as soon as he becomes aware of it. The liability of the hotelkeeper begins from the moment the property is entrusted by the guest to one of the hotel employees. Likewise the liability of the hotelkeeper ceases on the departure of the client with the final return of the property by the porter o by any other member of the hotel staff.